Indian agriculture has always been of vital importance, feeding and earning livelihoods for millions of people. The country’s diverse climate and rich soil are capable of growing all types of crops. But, not all types of crops are equally profitable. With the Indian farmers wanting to maximize their profit, it is important to know which are the most profitable crops to grow. Fueled by this, this article takes an insight into the most profitable farming crops in India, the ten chosen are those that have a pulling market, a higher degree of yield, and bring in high profits.
Most profitable farming crops in India
List of most profitable crops per acre in India | Most profitable crops in India
#1. Saffron
The crop of saffron is so rare and economically beneficial that it is widely referred as “red gold” in India. This is why saffron farmers in India find the cultivation to be most profitable. Here are a few reasons why they are able to make so much of profit-off of saffron:

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Demand in The Market
Saffron is one of the spices that is needed and sold in large quantities in the market whether it is the Indian market or the foreign markets. It is largely used in the Indian cuisines such as Mughlai and Kashmiri as it enhances the taste of the dishes. In addition to that, saffron is also used in medical and beauty products. It has been widely estimated that by the time span of few years the market for saffron would increase allowing farmers to continuously sell their saffron at good rates.
Very Good Profitable Returns
The rates of Kashmiri saffron is based on its quality. The markets for saffron are in large numbers as market prices of Kashmiri saffron is expected to be from ₹300,000 to ₹1,000,000 per kilogram (approximately $3,600 to $12,000). This is the reason a large number of saffron farmers would be able to earn profits even through little piece of land.
Low Land Requirement
One cash crop that does not require too much land is saffron. Although a single flower (saffron crocus) yields only 3 stigmas, the overall output is quite good owing to the high market price of the product. Because of this, saffron agriculture tends to be popular among farmers who do not have sufficient land.
Long-Term Sustainability
Once the saffron corms are established, they last for a couple of years before requiring of replanting. Because of this longevity, the farmers are able to receive cash flow over a period of time without the need to constantly re-invest into seeds.
Export Potential
Particularly the Kashmiri saffron, which has a Geographical Indication (GI) tag, is one of the most well-known Saffron in the world and Indian scholars have contributed in making this spice well known owing to its qualities. This enhances its sellable nature outside India and fetches more earnings through export business as the farmers are able to sell their produce at better rates in the global market.
Health Benefits
Saffron is in addition to its cooking sensed valued for its medicinal worth. It is known to contain antioxidants and has been associated with a variety of benefits including boosting mood and having an anti inflammatory effect. This offers an extra value for the health conscious consumers of such products.
The competitiveness of saffron is based on its high availability in the market, high returns on investment, reasonable land requirements, potential for sustainability, opportunity for export, and health benefits. Therefore, saffron cultivation is a lucrative business for Indian farmers who hope for sustainable agricultural practices along with maximization of their returns.
#2. Basmati Rice
Basmati rice is rightly considered as one of the most productive crops in India and its importance economically can be attributed to a number of factors.

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High Market Demand
Due to the unique attributes like its specific aroma, a long slender kernel, and excellent cooking average, basmati rice has attained a premium position not only in the domestic market but also in the international market. 72% of basmati rice sales are from exports which makes it important cash crop for the farmers. Basmati rice also has a good demand in the international market especially considering various countries are looking for reliable food sources amid conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
Government Support
Policy adjustments have improved the profitability of basmati rice farming. Basmati rice exports in India were restricted by a minimum export price (MEP) policy, and this policy was recently dropped. This removal enables exporters to export at competitive prices hence facilitating market penetration and increasing sales.
Attractive Profit Margins
Basmati rice farmers are likely to have substantial profits. For example, one acre of basmati rice has a net income of about ₹50,975 with a cost of almost ₹27,940 per acre. Target yields of 24 or more quintals per acre at prices of 4,000 or more per quintal in some regions would lead rice farmers to some good investment returns.
Cost of Cultivation
Producing basmati rice is not as expensive as the production of any other high-value crops. Although some seed, fertilizer, and labor may need to be invested, the expenses are compensated for by the high sale price offered for the produce. Areas like Punjab and Haryana also provide better climatic conditions for the cultivation of the crop because this is where the majority of basmati is grown.
Quality and Variety
The variety of basmati rice provides an opportunity for farmers to target different classes of the market. Varieties such as Pusa 1121 and other old aromatic types are more expensive thus increasing the profit margin. Indian farmers are able to produce high-quality rice which allows them to be competitive in the world market.
To wrap up basmati rice has a high market demand, has the support of government policies, able to provide a good profit margin with low costs for growing and good varieties available making it one of the most profitable crops for Indian farmers. And with the increase of global demand and better production practices the profit margins on basmati rice will essay basmati rice profitability in the future.
#3. Sugarcane
Sugarcane is considered one of the most profitable crops in India and has a significant contribution to the agricultural economy. Here are the key reasons that underline its superiority:

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High Yield Potential
The yield in sugarcane is quite remarkable for many farmers as the average yield for sugarcane is over 90tons yet the same cannot be said for major crops such as wheat and rice. The huge amount of yield encourages farmers to grow more and more sugarcane as it has the potential to raise their revenue as opposed to other crops which are a lot riskier per hectare to grow.
Government Support and Minimum Support Price (MSP)
Economically, the Indian Minimum Support Price (MSP), which is applicable for sugar cane in India, has acted as a safety net for many farmers. For example, in Maharashtra, the Minimum Support price in 2017-18 was INR 255 per quintal while the average cost of growing sugarcane was around INR 212. As a result, farmers have the ideal conditions to grow sugar cane; they will be compensated for their time and it is a good business investment.
Diverse Market Applications
The scope of sugarcane cultivation is wide as it is used for sugar, ethanol, paper manufacturing and biofuels among others. This diversification increases its marketability and more importantly widens the scope for farmers’ income earning activities. The sugarcane sub products also possess good export market which in turn improves profitability.
Employment Generation
Millions of people living in rural areas in developing countries find employment opportunities in growing, cutting and processing sugarcane. This alongside more employment generation enhances the economic backbone of farming societies and makes farming of sugarcane more desirable for many communities.
Quick Returns
Sugarcane doesn’t take longer than a year to be harvested, while some crops might take years, due to the weather, to grow, enabling cash crops to sell faster due to a shorter cycle. This is ideal for small farmers who do not have the luxury of wealthy investors opposing to farming being their main economic providing source.
Resilience Against Market Fluctuations
Because it is a basic food product, the cane plant has been able to withstand market changes so far as in demand for it is always present. This stability aids farmers in better financial forecasting and security of prices over intervals due to the steady market of sugar and sugar derivatives within.
The factors that make sugarcane one of the most profitable crops in India include high productivity potential, government policies like the MSP, wide-ranging uses, potential for employment generation, short payback period and stability in times of the volatile market. The landscape of agriculture is changing, and sugarcane agriculture will in future require more and more investments to keep the production and the profitability at a higher level.
#4. Cotton
Cotton is one of the most profitable crops in the Indian context and this is supported by many aspects. Below are the key factors that make cotton unique in the Indian agricultural sector:

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Widespread Use in the Textile Sector
Cotton is India’s foremost cash crop, yielding approximately 70% of the country’s total fiber. The textile industry is one of the largest industries in the country and contributes a significant portion of over fifteen million jobs and twenty percent of the total earnings from exports. Other than that there is an unstated demand for cotton fabric both in the local and export markets making it more viable for the people who grow cotton.
Large Cultivation Area
Worldwide, India is the dominating supplier of cotton with an approximated area of 9 million hectares already occupied for cotton farming. This great size of the area opened wide production volumes leading the country to contribute an approximate of one fourth of the world supply. This mass production tends to drive up profitability due to the economies of scale.
Scientific and Technological Developments
Farmers in India have benefited greatly from the introduction of genetically modified (GM) BT cotton. Since the introduction of BT cotton varieties, annual production levels have more than doubled with farm output increasing from an average of 200 kg/ha to more than 400 kg/ha. In effect, these improvements mean that farming increased economic returns as well.
Different Product Types and Their By-products
Cotton is not a sole fiber as it has different byproducts which include cotton seed oil and cotton seed meal that are useful in food and animal feeding manufacturing. This provides farmers with more opportunities to earn more from a single crop hence increasing profitability.
Government Support and Policies
Among other limiting factors, seed availability hampered expansion of cotton production in India during the 1960s through early1980s. To increase Indian cotton production, the government has enacted policies and developed programs such as giving out incentives for the planting of seeds and fertilizers, as well as seeds to improve irrigation structures. In such a way, this type of assistance optimization of the farmer costs and raising her profitability ratio.
Cotton in India is profitable because of the high demand which exists in textile industry, the area under cultivation, applications of new technology like BT cotton, availability of products to be used, and policies of federal government. These factors in a statement ensure that millions of farmers in different regions are beneficiaries and give an alternative source of income as well as making a meaningful contribution to the GDP of the country.
#5. Tea
In India, tea is viewed as one of the most lucrative agricultural products because of numerous factors that are in its favor. Highlighted below are some of the reasons that tea is the topmost crop in agriculture:

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High Consumption
India is home to a significant population of tea drinkers, with an estimated 88% of the total households consuming tea every day. This cultural context guarantees a constant market for these producers thus providing farmers and businesses constant revenue.
Growing Industry
The Indian tea market is forecasted to increase at a rate of 6.5% from 2021 through 2026. This growth is because of expanded use of the products domestically, and also due to the increasing penetration of premium tea brands, which further boosts profitability of the growers and sellers.
Export Potential
India is the fourth largest tea exporting country in the world and exports approximately 15-20% of its total production. The Indian teas for instance Assam teas and Darjeeling teas have high demand in other countries thus giving more options for the producers estate.
Employment Creation
The tea industry stands out as a key industry as it directly employs more than a million workers as well as indirectly employing many more across various other roles. The existence of such a large workforce is vital as they seek to complement production aimed at both local and export services.
Diverse Product Range
Among the various types of tea that can be produced include black, green, white and herbal tea which then allows producers to focus on several market segments. It assists in risk aversion strategies as well as maximization of returns on investment owing to the market’s diversification.
Lower Initial Investment for Tea Shops
In comparison with other food and beverage businesses, the initial expenditures for tea businesses that commence with a tea shop are relatively lower. It is felt by a number of business people that due to high demand and tea shop costs being lower, such businesses are able to recoup their capital quickly.
Sustainable Practices
Towards organic farming and environmentally friendly practices, a large number of tea growers are switching to environment-friendly methods of cultivation. In addition to this attracting health conscious customers, it also enables farmers to sell organic products at premium prices.
To finalize, the tea farming enterprise in India is focused on a large domestic market, expansion potential in the sector, export sales, and a wide array of products. The interaction of these elements forms a strong economic setting for the tea farmers and elevates tea to the status of one of the most profitable crops in the country.
#6. Organic Vegetables
In India organic vegetables emerged as one of the most lucrative crops, thanks to the increased demand, the price premium, and positive climatic factors. Therefore, let us consider some key reasons why organic vegetables are of relevance in the context of Indian agriculture.

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High Market Demand
The market for organic products is expanding quickly on a domestic and international scale. Consumers are more aware of the health implications of organic products since they are now considered more convenient and healthy than ordinary vegetables. Such a transformation explains why the organic market is growing at a rate of about 20-25% per annum.
Premium Pricing
Organic vegetables can be sold at a price which is 20% to 100% higher than that of normal cabbage. Such price differences mainly arise because the amount of developed countries supply organic products is smaller than that of developing countries supplies normal ones since only 1% of cultivated land is organic farmed. Increase in the prices also results in a higher profit margin to these farmers who practice organic farming.
Government Support
The government of India has been quite active in promoting organic farming through a number of programmes and provision of funds. For instance, under schemes whereby the area under organic cultivation is to be increased, farmers can get up to ₹50,000 per hectare for three consecutive years. This type of aid decreases the costs that farmers have to bear when switching to organic techniques.
Diverse Agro-Climatic Conditions
Due to the varying climate and soil category, it is possible and feasible to grow a large number of organic vegetables throughout the year in many regions of the country. The North-Eastern regions, which so far have used very few chemicals in agriculture, offer great potential for using and expanding the area under other forms of organic agriculture.
Sustainable Practices
Focus is placed in organic farming on forms of agriculture which are beneficial to the soil and the biodiversity. Such agricultural practices, many of which would be viewed as limiting for farmers, have positive implications for long term environmental sustainability and should lead to improved yield productivity.
Export Opportunities
India has been able to establish itself in the market of organic products on a worldwide scale, with a variety of organic product ranges from vegetables to oils cut for export across the globe. The last few years have witnessed the country exporting products worth a billion dollars in organic products out of which a lot was from vegetables. This global market demand provides farmers greater market channels and therefore more alternatives for income.
The farm economy of organic vegetables in India is clearly influenced by the market, the state and adoption of sustainable farming practices. There is scope for growth in this sector, and as more consumers start preferring organic vegetables, the demand keeps increasing. Organic farmers are also set to earn profits and do good for the environment and the health of the people.
#7. Pomegranate
In India, the farming of pomegranates has turned out to be one of the most rewarding investments and there are specific reasons that that supports its economic potential. Following are the salient points explaining why pomegranate is considered the most profitable crop in India:

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High Market Demand
Pomegranates are always in demand whether in the Indian or overseas market for their nutritional value and extent of utility. With the awareness regarding the health advantages of the consumption of pomegranate crops increasing especially the ones with high antioxidant properties, there has been more consumption and demand for raw and manufactured goods such as fruit juices and jams. This high demand means higher prices for the farmers selling the produce.
Significant Profit Margins
Profits can be substantial for farmers that farm on pomegranates! Reports suggest that it can reach as high as 1.5 lakhs per hectare per year, making it a better option than subsistence farming. For instance, in Maharashtra which is the major center for pomegranate cultivation, farmers are able to report gross returns of almost 4.25 lakhs per hectare and net profits of 2.5 lakhs.
Adaptability to Arid Conditions
Pomegranates are crops which are easy to grow in the driest and semi-driest portions of the country. They are tolerant of drought conditions and therefore are a great source of income in areas which have unfavorable climatic conditions as states most crops wilt due to lack of rainfall.
Potential for Exports
Pomegranate is one of the key areas with great potentials considering the fact that India is known to rank among one of the largest producers of pomegranates. At the moment, India exports only a small percentage of its pomegranate production unlike Spain, for instance. The augmentation of pomegranate exports including enhancement of profits can easily be achieved through Indian farmers employing appropriate marketing tactics that go along with the quality improvement practices.
Economic Impact on Livelihoods
In Maharashtra alone, over 200,000 families make a living off of pomegranate farming. Pomegranate growing will economically benefit farmers especially if pomegranates are grown instead of paddy which is known for low returns and subsequently contribute to reducing poverty in rural areas. The profit margins of the crop provide an avenue for expansion and the promotion of sustainable farming.
To summarize, the aforementioned factors coupled with the pomegranate’s high market demand, sound profitability, ability to withstand adverse climatic conditions, opportunity for export and good return on livelihood, make the pomegranate an incredibly beneficial crop for Indian farmers.
#8. Banana
With high demand, a supportive environment, and a good potential for yield, banana farming has become one of the most profitable agricultural ventures in the country. As such, here are some key reasons why the banana is considered the most profitable crop in India:

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High Profit Margins
Banana farmers can make decent profits and survive. Farming bananas on one hectare of land can yield enough profits of about 8 million Indian rupees on average. Growing and taking care of the banana crop only requires an investment between 3 and 4 Lakhs and with good returns on investment, farmers are able to make revenues of anywhere between 10 to 15 rupees on each kilogram of bananas at a rate between 10 to 15 Lakhs for every Hectare.
Favorable Growing Conditions
Bananas prefer tropical environments and require substantial water and adequate water drainage from the soil. However, in India, aspiring farmers have nothing to worry about since the climate differs from region to region including states such as Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu which also help aid grow bananas. The farming takes about twelve to fourteen months making it optimal for farmers to have a faster recovery on their investments.
High Yield Potential
When well taken care of, each banana plant can yield between 25 to 40 kilograms of fruit and 100 tons in a hectare of land. This high yield significantly contributes to the profits of banana farming as opposed to growing sugarcane or wheat, which do not bring in as much.
Growing Domestic and International Demand
Bananas are one of the major fruits grown in India and there is also an increasing demand for them internationally. This increase in demand means that the farmers turn out to be profitable as they find a good and stable market for their crops.
Government Support and Research
The Government of India also encourages the growth of bananas by providing loans and other services to farmers through schemes. Further, research agencies have developed new and improved varieties of bananas and farming methods that improve productivity while also increasing immunogenicity against diseases which further enhance profits.
Sustainable Farming Practices
Today it is possible for farmers to achieve maximum land use efficiency as well as high yield crops through high-density planting and tissue culture meristematic propagation. Such practices not only enhance a farmer’s profits but also promote more sustainable farming practices by minimizing on resource use.
To sum up, banana farming in India is one of the best agri-business I would suggest with such combination of factors as high profit potential and margins, scope for improvement of growing condition and yield, increased market demand, government assistance, and self-sustainability. Moving forth with technology and taking advantage of the market, farmers would be able to continue their success through banana cultivation in India.
#9. Grapes
Grapes have emerged as one of the most profitable crops in India, driven by several key factors that enhance their economic viability for farmers. Here are the important pointers explaining the profitability of grape farming:

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High Yield Potential
Grapes offer impressive yields with farmers obtaining an average of 30-35 tons per hectare under average conditions. Some farmers even achieve total yields of up to 40 tons per hectare with higher grade seeds and more modern farming techniques. This high yield is a major factor that has driven farmers to commercialize grape farming.
Significant Gross Returns
In India, Grape farming has some of the highest gross returns per hectare of land therefore earning individuals the most. Depending on the current market price and the variety, great returns can be grossed, up to ₹20 lakh per hectare. Those who grow grapes can earn anywhere between 50 – 100 Rs. per kilogram further driving and emphasizing their profits.
Favorable Output-Input Ratio
The ratio of outputs that come from grape farming has a very lucrative ratio which averages around 1.81 making it a beneficial farming option. Economically speaking the ratio means that one could expect an 81% more profit on every amount of rupee spend on cultivating grapes which is very cost effective relative to many other crops.
Export Opportunities
India has been an active exporter on the global grape trade scene concentrating on countries exporters such as the Netherlands, Russia and the UAE. The demand for Indian grapes in international markets ensures a higher price for the farmers and also provides incentives to the farmers to improve their farming methods.
Diverse Market Uses
The most common practice in the cultivation of grapes is their sale in the fresh state and their processing into raisins, wine and juices. This makes it possible for farmers to cater for a number of markets and change with the trends of the consumers.
Long Harvesting Season
Grape vines can be productive on the same planting for an average of 15 years which enables the farmers to benefit for a longer time without the need to replant. This extended life span of the grape vine aids in spreading the capital outlay over a number of years of use.
Technological Advancements
With the use of modern agricultural practices such as drip irrigation, soil and pest management grapevine farmers have made great strides in both the quality and quantity of yields obtained. Also new practices provide greater environmental soundness and minimize the production risks posed by climatic changes.
To conclude, grape growing is becoming one of the most lucrative ventures in India, because of the potential yield per unit area cultivated, gross returns, economics ratios, prospects for desirability in export, and the scope for market diversification. As farmers adopt more mechanized agricultural methods and technologies, there is an increasing likelihood of the grape industry becoming a much more profitable agricultural activity, hence appealing for those looking for a long term agricultural income source.
#10. Medicinal Herbs
Due to a blending of cosmopolitan fashions, ancient practices, and subsequent increasing international demand, medicinal crops have developed into one of the most rewarding agricultural produce throughout India. Let’s consider some of the first reasons why growing medicinal herbs shall be financially beneficial for the farmers.

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High Market Demand
A turn towards herbal intake and use of natural products has put upward pressure on the demand of the herbal crops. The Indian herbal market is cumulatively estimated to have around ₹50 thousand crores of business and is expected to grow by 15 percent every year. As the consumers turn to be more health conscious and avoid using synthetic drugs, there is an ever-increasing market for medicinal plants which provides a good leverage for the farmers.
Profitability Per Acre
The farmers who grow these medicinal herbs stand very good chances of making profits. For example crops like ashwagandha can fetch a revenue of around 60-70 lakhs per hectare, and that of dandelion can go up to about 3 lakh an acre. This is high profitability because the input costs incurred on these crops are much lower compared to the other forms of farming.
Supportive Government Policies
The government of India, has started to give subsidies to patients and farmers supporting Indian medicinal plants and herbs. National Medicinal Plant Board provides programs that subsidize patients from 30% to 75% regarding the type of plants grown. These programs do not only help in minimizing the great risks of investing into new farming areas, they also motivate farmers to invest in this new market as it is too profitable.
Sustainable Practices
Sustainable practices such as organic farming that involve the growing of herbs and plants is a more environmentally options as such crops require less chemotherapy and pesticide causes less pollution and is more energy friendly and helps. However, it increases cost margins for farmers which is more beneficial for them as it attracts more consumers.
Diverse Applications
Medicinal Crops are cultivated in Indian subcontinent and utilized in plants, pharmaceuticals, beauty and wellness products. Farmers are able to sell their crops to different sectors therefore, There is a growing demand for such herbs as well. Moreover, with more than 9500 species of medicinal herbs in India, farmers are able to choose the right disease applicable crops available in the market.
There is very good market demand, good profit margin per acre, enabling government policies, sound farming practices, and their many uses in different sectors make medicinal herbs one of the best agricultural products in India. As the sector further develops, it not only offers economic prospects, but also the health and wellness of the society in the region and the world.
What is the most profitable crop in India?
Basmati Rice – The Most Profitable Crop in India
Basmati rice is regarded as the most lucrative crop in India and the reasoning behind this is rather compelling.
1. Unmatched Demand: Basmati rice has fans the world over due to its distinctive smell and taste and therefore there is no shortage of buyers for it. This in turn makes it a great crop for farmers as the business prospects remain attractive.
2. Exceptional Profit Margins: The profits that a farmer makes from Basmati rice are far more than what he would make from the ordinary types of rice. And as expected the returns are promising which is why many are opting to cultivate this rice.
3.Lucrative Export Opportunities: Basmati rice can be exported to a variety of places since there are many people in the Middle East and Europe, which are the key markets that have a needy population for it. Such a global outreach tend to level out rates and boost a farmer’s profit.
4. Ideal Cultivation Regions: Basmati rice can be easily cultivated in the plains of Punjab and Haryana since they are rich in nutrients thereby making it easier for farmers to grow the supply effortlessly.
5. Strong Government Support: Due to the government wishing to adhere to the promising stance of Basmati growers they need to implement centralized pricing policies which pay farmers fair amounts and help them to start focusing their energy in growing the crop.
6. Sustainable Practices: The growing methods of Basmati rice are sustainable due to being practicing eco-friendly methods which are appealing to consumers who have a strong environmentally friendly basis.
To sum up, basmati rice is a great option if a farmer is looking for profit. Due to being in high demand, having a high profit, best climatic conditions, and great support from the government, Indian agriculture stakeholders looking to succeed will have it at the top of their list.
Easy crops to grow for profit with minimal Investment
Particularly in the case of India where agriculture is the mainstay of the economy, choosing these crops that are easier to cultivate can be quite rewarding financially with lesser amount of investment and time devoted towards it. More and more farmers are shifting to these crops not just for the logic of profit but also for their adaptability to different climatic conditions across the nation.
Low Investment High Return Crops
1. Tomatoes: Tomatoes are relatively easy to grow and can be sold at a very high price depending on the area they are being grown. Since most regions allow for multiple growing seasons, tomatoes can be grown in up to 100 acres and can generate significant profit for its farmers.
2. Green Beans: These beans can be grown without too many hassles as they adapt in most soil types and in most climate conditions. Surprisingly, green beans can be grown in most areas for nearly three times in a year with each season providing about 1000 kg per acre.
3. Spinach: However, the best part about spinach is that it is extremely beneficial for consumption as well and can be grown in a short period of time. Reports indicate that growing yield of close to 1,500 kg can be seen while investing less than a thousand.
4. Cabbage: Cabbage is a hardy vegetable able to withstand the worst climatic conditions. Its annual yield is roughly 20 tons per acre and has decent demand which makes it a good business.
5. Chilies: Different countries and cultures use chilies for a variety of reasons which creates demand for them. They can give returns of approximately 2 tons per acre and do well in the market.
6. Pumpkins: Pumpkins require little attention in their growth stages and can produce about 15 tons per acre, thanks to their easy cultivation. They can be used in cooking which makes them that much more useful in the market.
7. Onions: Onions are among the most frequently used vegetables across all Indian cuisines. Onions can achieve a return of about 20 tons per acre, allowing farmers to earn income throughout the year.
8. Basil: Basil is well known for its culinary uses and beneficial medicinal properties, and due to it being low cost to produce and easy to grow, it sells for a high cost as both dried and fresh.
9. Papaya: Papaya trees grow easily and bear fruits within a year of growing them. With a return of almost 40 tons per acre, papaya trees are an excellent investment.
10. Brinjal (Eggplant): Brinjal is another crop that has a warm growing environment, is not hard to grow in, has a yield of around 15 tons per acre and is always in demand.
These hardy crops that require little amount of farming effort will ensure that risks are reduced and returns are improved enhancing the welfare of not only the farmers but also the agricultural economy of the country particularly India.
Which is the best profitable crop in Telangana?
It is cotton in Telangana which is considered as the most valuable crop because of some good reasons. Cotton is grown widely in the state, with many hectares allocated for its cultivation, and it is referred to as white gold. The textile industry is among the biggest in India, and it is this industry that has the highest demand for cotton.
Also, there is provision by the state in the form of minimum support price (MSP) options and other subsidies so that farmers do not lose their investments. The climatic conditions available in Telangana aid the yield of cotton which in turn adds to the options of the farmers who want to gain in farm business more.
Which is the best crop to grow for profit in Karnataka?
In Karnataka, sugarcane is the most remunerative crop since it is high yielding and has a good demand in the market. The state is the fourth highest producer of sugarcane in India and has no problem with climatic conditions and irrigation amenities to grow more. Farmers can generate good net profit which may be around ₹1,47,288 per hectare with a benefit-cost ratio of 2.02.
There are many benefits of growing sugarcane, it is not only turned into sugar, but also used for ethanol and other products hence increases its value. The sugar and its products have an increasing demand, the farmer whenever gets assistance from the government in the form of subsidy or fixed support price is persuaded to grow sugarcane in the state of Karnataka, so as to augment their income from farming.
Which is the most profitable crop in Maharashtra?
In Maharashtra, dragon fruit has come up as the most remunerative crop because of its best yield and its good market price. Farmers growing dragon fruit are able to get handsome profit with some farmers harvesting profits up to the range of ₹9 lakh per acre from subsequent years of planting. This fruit, which is a variety of cacti, is low in water requirement and has resistance to pests and diseases enabling it to adapt to various climatic conditions of the state.
At an average yield of 10 tons per acre and a price of ₹100 per kg on the market, dragon fruit growing not only generates good returns but it is also helped by government top dressing which increases the rate of profitability. Since there is a growing appetite of the consumers for exotic fruits, in particular Maharashtra farmers may find dragon fruit an attractive opportunity to enhance their farming income.
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With respect to various agricultural zones: geography, climatic conditions, market demand or crops’ management style the analysis has been undertaken in India for the saffron and Basmati rice and found it is among the most profitable for farmers due to high market prices in the case of Basmati production. Due to their versatility and continued demand, sugarcane and cotton do yield considerable earnings also.
With innovations and changes in farming techniques for crops as well as changes in demand for food, the farmers who are more aware of the market trends and follow the new ways of farming will likely maximize the profitability potential and positively contribute to the agricultural sector in India.