The gripe water was being used by our older generations since 19th century. It was the most popular and trusted remedy for relieving discomfort in babies and infants due to gas and fussiness, causing unstoppable crying. The symptoms may include gas and bloating, flatulence, frequent burping, and continuous crying. Parents follow this trusted gripe water remedy which has proved to efficiently relieve the above mentioned discomfort in babies by easing and relaxing the digestive tract with sedative effects and improvising the overall digestion.
How long does Gripe water last?: As with all other medicines and supplement, it is important to understand the storage and shelf life of gripe water to maintain its efficiency and safety.
We will outline the various factors that may affect the shelf life during storage of gripe water. Will also provide necessary storage conditions to store gripe water. To understand the storage conditions, its important to understand what gripe water is made of.
What is Gripe water Made of?
Different brands uses different formulations and therefore their efficiency varies. Most commonly, these formulations include a mixture of special herbs like fennel, chamomile, peppermint, ginger, dill seed oils, and other natural ingredients known for their related therapeutic properties. Along with these herbs and spices, some formulations includes, Sodium bicarbonate (Baking soda) and sucrose (sweetener).

Nowadays, to improve the shelf life of commercial products, the gripe water formulations often include preservatives to prolong their shelf life.
Therefore, like any medicine or supplement, these gripe water do also come with an expiry date. We always need to check the expiry date before giving to our babies. However, these expiry dates are tentative as they require to store under recommendation conditions like away from sunlight and temperatures below 25 °C.

To know how long does gripe water last, we must understand factors that affects its shelf life. It’s efficiency may diminish when stored under unfavorable conditions, and this may reduce the shelf life to below than mentioned on the product. And using such product first of all may not work or may not be useful as it already lost its therapeutic effects, due to improper storage. Which may lead to parents with a wrong impression that its not useful at all.
Also there are some inefficient brands and cheap products which must be avoided at all cost.
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How long does Gripe water last?
Factors affecting shelf life of Gripe water
1. Preservatives
The preservatives are added to prevent any microbial growth that may lead to spoilage of the added ingredients or the product itself. Common preservatives are sodium benzoate, citric acid, etc.
2. Storage Conditions
Proper storage is the key to maintain the efficiency and quality of gripe water. It is always essential to store it in a dry place away from sunlight at cool temperatures below 25 °C. Although, refrigeration is not required, can be stored at room temperatures at cool place. Exposure to higher temperatures and direct sunlight can degrade the efficiency of the product and may not fulfill the purpose of the overall remedy.
3. Sealed Packaging
The gripe water packaging also plays and important role here. Properly sealed and airtight bottles are necessary to prevent the essential herbs and their therapeutic properties.
4. Ingredient Stability
Some of the added ingredients may not be that much stable when stored during its shelf life. Therefore the efficiency may differ as compared to a fresh product than that of a product which is nearly to expire soon.
5. Manufacturing expertise
Some of the manufacturers may not use proper packaging or may not store properly at their end. This also includes proper temperatures and control to be followed during manufacturing. There are small manufacturers also, who may not have that knowledge and expertise to maintain the integrity of added ingredients, and may also fail to prevent any spoilage and decomposition of effective ingredients during its shelf life.
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Storage Tips for Improving Shelf Life:
Keep away from Sunlight and Heat
Store gripe water in a cool and dark place to prevent any direct exposure to sun light and heat. Avoid storing above refrigerators and near or back side of televisions where the appliances release heat constantly.
Check for contamination
The spoon or dropper used to take gripe water from the bottle should be clean. This can be the main reason of contamination. The bottle should be kept with proper sealed lid and should be air tight. Any contamination even through moisture may spoil it and lead to bacterial growth and mold inside which is very harmful and may cause infections.
Use a clean dropper or syringe
Use clean dropper or syringe to avoid any contamination as stated earlier.
Check for any change in color or odor
The gripe water should be checked before giving to babies. Check for its consistency, taste, colour and odor. If there is any noticeable change in the product, it should be discarded and not to be given to the babies.
Follow manufacturer’s guidelines
Always follow the manufacturers guidelines regarding usage and storage. You will find the instructions inside the product box or on the product label.
How to Identify the stored gripe water is useful or had been spoiled:
Unpleasant odor
Any foul or unpleasant odor may indicate the spoilage either due to contamination or breakdown of the ingredients.
Changes in color
Any unusual discoloration or cloudiness indicates the spoilage.
Presence of sediment or coagulation
If you find any particles or sediments settling at the bottom of the bottle also indicates the spoilage due to contamination or any decomposition of added ingredients.
Change in taste
Any change in taste like rancid, bitter or sour indicates spoilage.
Expiration Date
Always check for expiration date. Using gripe water beyond the expiry date is not advisable as it may not effective as stated, and may cause any other harmful effects on babies.
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As, the shelf life of the gripe water is ruled by certain factors like preservatives, storage conditions, stability of added ingredients, product packaging, etc. One must take care of these things and follow recommended storage guidelines to maintain the efficacy of the product. Proper storage conditions are the key to keep the product most effective against your babies gastric and indigestive discomforts.
Maintain the storage conditions as required which will ensure this as a safe and effective remedy for your babies. Always, consult with your doctor or a child specialist in any concern regarding usage of gripe water. Baby’s health should be given top priority when any such remedy fails to relieve the symptoms.
Frequently asked Questions (FAQs)
Can I refrigerate gripe water?
No. Refrigerating gripe water is generally not recommended. As it may alter the stability of the ingredients as we are not sure the final added ingredients in the commercial product. However there are some recipes for home made gripe water, that can be refrigerated as all the ingredients are normally herbal and known.
Does gripe water have expiry date?
Yes. The gripe water comes with an expiry date. And its usage beyond the expiry date may not give effective result. It may have lost its efficiency beyond this expiry date.
Should I shake gripe water before use?
Yes. It is advisable to shake the gripe water well before use to mix the content evenly. The compounds and essential oils, may get separated when stored for a long time. Shaking well before use will mix it well and gives a uniform distribution.